I've decided to use this neglected blog space to journal my new adventure working toward a Master of Fine Arts degree in Painting. Classes start on Monday, Sept. 13, 2021. The program I'm in is through Savannah College of Art and Design, and is completely online.
So far, I have already purchased paints and supplies, practiced, submitted a portfolio of twenty paintings and a statement of purpose, been accepted, been awarded two scholarships, met with one of my three counselors, dropped a painting class to take a graduate drawing course instead, been on a waitlist for the Art History class I wanted, gotten a seat in that class, purchased 6 textbooks, reviewed two syllabi, paid my tuition, and attended about six different orientation sessions. I visited the library virtually. I've completed two prequarter assignments and emailed a few classmates. I bought a school Tshirt. I have notebooks and file folders and two calendars. I have a quiet place to work, and a great studio space.
The Professors at SCAD are not playing. The coursework is rigorous, both in quantity and quality. I am intimidated, but also completely excited about what I'll be learning. There will be a ton of reading and writing, and critique. There will be a lot of vocabulary I'm not familiar with. Even the studio courses require much high level reading and writing. This will be my new full time job.
I've been retired for 11 years now, and I'm ready to go back. I will need any prayers you can spare.
Here is something I found that I will try to keep in mind:
Inuit song:
"I think over again my small adventures, my fears, these small ones that seemed so big. For all the things I had to get and to reach. And yet there is only one great thing. The only thing. To live to see the great day that dawns. and the light that fills the world."